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Post by mandible Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:14 pm

Haematology : MCQ
Question 1: Plasmin
T Is a proteolytic enzyme
T Is formed from plasminogen
T Digests fibrin
T Digests fibrinogen Sad isnt thrombin the digester of fibrinogen?]

Question 2: In the investigation of bleeding disorders
F The bleeding time assesses the intrinsic coagulation pathway
T The normal bleeding time is 3-10 minutes
T Blood for coagulation studies is collected into citrate solution to prevent
T The prothrombin time is prolonged in abnormalities of the extrinsic pathway

Question 3: With respect to iron metabolism
F The body contains about 40g of iron
F Most of the iron in the body is contained in ferritin
F Iron is transported in plasma as ferritin
F Haemosiderin is the main form in which iron is stored in tissues

Question 4: The following mechanisms are important in haemostasis
T Vascular spasm
T Formation of platelet plug
T Formation of blood clot
T Organisation of blood clot

Question 5: Blood coagulation
F Through the extrinsic pathway is initiated by contact of blood with a
negatively charged surface
F Through the intrinsic pathway does not occur outside the body
T Through the extrinsic pathway is initiated by tissue damage
T Through the extrinsic pathway is initiated by the release of tissue

Question 6: Erythrocytes
F Are not produced in the fetal liver
F Are produced by the liver during the first 5 years of life
T Are produced by the bone marrow of almost every bone in the body during
the first 5 years of life
T Are produced by the bone marrow of the ribs, sternum and vertebrae in

Question 7: Blood coagulation
T Through the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways results in the activation of
Factor X
F Results from the conversion of thrombin to prothrombin
T Results from the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin
F Can occur in the absence of calcium

Question 8: With respect to iron metabolism
T Antacids reduce iron absorption
T Heme iron is better absorbed than non-heme iron
T Ferrous iron (2+) is better absorbed than ferric iron (3+)
F The majority of iron absorption occurs in the terminal ileum

Question 9: With respect to Rhesus blood group
F There are three different Rhesus factors
F An individual with the C antigen can also have the c antigen
T An individual with the D antigen cannot have the d antigen
T The type D antigen is the most antigenic of all the Rhesus antigens

Question 10: Erythrocyte
T Production is stimulated by anaemia due to blood loss
F Production is impaired at high altitude
F Production is stimulated by hyperoxia
T Production is stimulated by erythropoietin

Question 11: With respect to Rhesus blood group
F Rhesus positive individuals have the d antigen
F The C and E antigens do not cause transfusion reactions
F 85% of Caucasians are Rhesus negative
F After injection of the D antigen into Rhesus negative individuals, the peak
concentration of anti-D antibodies is attained within 3-6 weeks

Question 12: Erythrocytes
T Are biconcave discs
F Have an average diameter of 80 microns
F Have a mean cell volume of 60 fl
T Have an average life span of 120 days

Question 13: The following are vitamin K dependent clotting factors
T Prothrombin
F Factor XII
T Factor VII
T Factor X

Question 14: The following are vitamin K dependent clotting factors
T Factor IX
F Factor XI
F Fibrinogen
F Plasminogen

Question 15: With respect to Rhesus blood group
F Transfusion of Rhesus incompatible blood into a non-sensitized individual
causes an immediate transfusion reaction
F The first pregnancy is never affected by Rhesus disease
F The child of a Rhesus positive father and a Rhesus negative mother must
be Rhesus positive
T The child of a Rhesus negative mother and a Rhesus negative father
cannot be Rhesus positive

Neuromuscular physiology: MCQ
Question 1: With respect to active transport
F The sodium-potassium pump transfers three sodium ions from the
extracellular to the intracellular space
F The sodium-potassium pump transfers two potassium ions from the
intracellular to the extracellular space
F The sodium-potassium pump hydrolyses one molecule of ATP per sodium
ion transported
T The sodium-potassium pump is electrogenic

Question 2: Skeletal muscles
T Are multinucleated cells
F Contain thick actin and thin myosin filaments
T Have light (I) bands which contain actin filaments only
F Have dark (A) bands which contain myosin filaments only

Question 3: With respect to the transfer of solutes across cell membranes|
F Lipid soluble solutes require the presence of carrier proteins for transfer
across the cell membrane
F Hydrogen ions diffuse readily across the cell membrane
T Protein channels in membranes are specific for the transport of specific
T Protein channels can be voltage-gated

Question 4: Cardiac muscle
T Is striated
F Has myosin but not actin filaments
F Has multinucleated cells
F Cells are connected to other cardiac muscle cells at gap junctions

Question 5: Cardiac muscle
F Of the atria is continuous with that of the ventricles
T Forms a syncytium
FStimulation of a single atrial cardiac muscle would cause an action potential
to travel through the entire atrial and ventricular muscle mass
T Have intercalated discs

Question 6: With respect to action potentials
F Salutatory conduction occurs in unmyelinated fibres
T There is an absolute and a relative refractory period
F Transmission occurs at the same speed in myelinated and unmyelinated
F The potential changes in size and shape as they spread across the
Question 7: With respect to action potentials
F Transmission occurs at the same speed in small and large neurons
F Depolarisation is caused by increased permeability to potassium ions
F The membrane potential always becomes positive during depolarisation
F Repolarisation is caused by increased permeability to sodium ions
Question 8: Action potentials
T Are rapid changes in membrane potential
F Begin with a change of the positive resting potential to a negative potential
F Are propagated in one direction only
F Are not delayed at synapses
Question 9: During excitation and contraction of skeletal muscle fibres
T Excitation of the T-tubules results in the release of calcium from the
sarcoplasmic reticulum
F Calcium binds to and activates tropomyosin
T Calcium is pumped into the sarcoplasmic reticulum to initiate muscle
T Acetylcholine is released at the motor end plate
Question 10: With respect to action potentials
T Depolarisation is caused by activation of voltage gated sodium channels
T Would not occur until the membrane potential rises above a threshold
T Once established travel over the entire membrane
F Activation of potassium channels is responsible for the plateau in the action
potential of cardiac muscle
Question 11: With respect to smooth muscle
F Smooth muscle contains actin but not myosin
F The membrane potential is more negative than that of skeletal muscle
F Smooth muscle action potential is mainly due to activation of voltage gated
sodium channels
F Extrinsic stimulation is always required for the generation of action potential
Question 12: With respect to active transport
T The sodium-potasium pump is important in regulating cell volume
F The calcium pump transfers calcium from the extracellular to the
intracellular space
F Active transport is not saturable
F Carrier proteins involved in secondary active transport hydrolyse ATP to
Question 13: With respect to smooth muscle
T Action potential can be initiated by stretch
F Calcium is pumped into the sarcoplasmic reticulum to bring about muscle
T Intracellular calcium binds to calmodulin to initiate muscle contraction
F There are specialised neuro-muscular junctions
Question 14: The following are important in setting the resting membrane potential of neurons
T The activity of the Na / K pump
T Potassium diffusion across the cell membrane
T Sodium diffusion across the cell membrane
T The presence of impermeant anions within the cell
Question 15: Skeletal muscles
F Have actin filaments which have cross-bridges
F Have myosin filaments which are attached to the Z-disc
THave sarcomeres which are the portions of the muscle between Z discs
T In the resting state, the actin filaments completely overlap the myosin
Cardiovascular physiology MCQ S

Question 1: With respect to action potential in the sino-atrial node
F The resting membrane potential is more negative than for non-conducting
cardiac muscle
FDepolarisation is caused by activation of fast voltage gated sodium
F There is dependence on vagal nerve stimulation for the generation of
action potentials
T Repolarisation is caused by increased potassium permeability
Question 2: During the cardiac cycle
F The T wave occurs after the end of ventricular contraction
T The a wave in the atrial pressure profile is caused by atrial contraction
F The c wave in the atrial pressure profile is caused by opening of the
atrio-ventricular valve
T The v wave in the atrial pressure profile is caused by venous return into the
Question 3: During the cardiac cycle
F Atrial contraction occurs during systole
T The P wave of the electrocardiogram represents atrial depolarisation
F The QRS complex represents ventricular repolarisation
F The T wave represents ventricular depolarisation
Question 4: Vasodilatation is caused by
F Increased pH
T Increased osmolarity
T Increased CO2 concentration
F Increased oxygen tension
Question 5: The following are associated with a decrease in cardiac output
F Increased blood volume
T Acute venous dilatation
T Venous obstruction
F Blood pressure of 160/100
Question 6: During the cardiac cycle
T The v wave in the atrial pressure profile is caused by venous return into the
T The notch in the aortic pressure profile is caused by closure of the aortic
F The first heart sound is caused by opening of the atrio-ventricular valves
T The second heart sound is caused by closure of the aortic and pulmonary

Question 7: With respect to the conducting system of the heart
F The refractory period of the atrioventricular node is shorter than for normal
cardiac muscle fibres
F The sinoatrial node has an intrinsic rhythmic rate of 40-60 per minute
T The atrioventricular node has an intrinsic rhythmic rate of 40-60 per minute
T The Purkinje fibres have an intrinsic rhythmic rate of 15-40 per minute
Question 8: With respect to autonomic control of the heart
F Vagal stimulation has no effect on the rate of the rhythm of the sinoatrial
T Vagal stimulation decreases the excitability of the atrio-ventricular
junctional fibres
T Sympathetic stimulation increases the rate of the rhythm of the sinoatrial
F Sympathetic stimulation decreases the strength of myocardial contraction
Question 9: The following are important mechanisms in the short-term
maintenance of arterial pressure following haemorrhage
T Peripheral vasoconstriction
F Increased fluid retention by the kidneys
T Increased heart rate
F Increased venous return
Question 10: The following are produced locally in tissues and regulate
T Prostaglandins
T Serotonin
F Adrenaline
F Noradrenaline
Question 11: With respect to the conducting system of the heart
T The sinoatrial node is the natural pacemaker
T Impulses are conducted from the sinoatrial node to the atrioventricular
node by three internodal pathways
F Impulses are conducted from the right atrium to the left atrium by the
Purkinje fibres
T There is a delay in the conduction of cardiac impulses at the atrioventricular
Question 12: During the cardiac cycle
F Pressure in the left ventricle must rise above 120mmHg to cause opening
of the aortic valve
F The period of rapid ejection occupies the first 70% of ventricular ejection
T The normal PR interval is about 0.16s
F The QT interval is the duration of ventricular relaxation
Question 13: Mean arterial pressure
T Is the average arterial pressure over a cardiac cycle
F Can be calculated from ½ (systolic minus diastolic pressure)
T Can be calculated from diastolic pressure + 1/3(pulse pressure)
F Can be calculated from the cardiac output X total peripheral resistance
Question 14: The following are associated with a decrease in cardiac output
F Pregnancy
F Anaemia
T Haemorrhage
F Hyperthyroidism
Question 15: During the cardiac cycle
F Blood flows into the atria only during atrial diastole
F Atrial contraction contributes 70% to ventricular filling
F Blood flows from the atria into the ventricles during systole
F Ventricular ejection occurs during the period of isometric contraction

Gastrointestinal physiology MCQ
Question 1: Gastric secretion
T Is inhibited by cholecystokinin
T Is inhibited by gastric inhibitory peptide
F Is stimulated by sympathetic stimulation
F Is stimulated by nicotinic agonists
Question 2: Gastric secretion
T Occurring during the cephalic phase is mainly under vagal control
F Occurring during the gastric phase is mainly caused by secretin stimulation
T Occurring during the intestinal phase is caused by gastrin secreted by the
T Is inhibited by secretin
Question 3: During swallowing
F Afferent impulses of the swallowing reflex travel in the facial nerve
T Afferent impulses of the swallowing reflex travel in the trigerminal and
glossopharyngeal nerves
T Motor impulses from the swallowing centre travel in the trigerminal nerve
T Motor impulses from the swallowing centre travel in the glossopharyngeal
and vagus nerves
Question 4: With respect to the autonomic control of the gastrointestinal tract
F Sympathetic post-ganglionic fibres originate in the Meissner’s plexus
F Sympsthetic post-ganglionic fibres originate in the myenteric plexus
F Sympathetic pre-ganglionic fibres originate in the sympathetic chain
F Sympathetic pre-ganglionic neurons secrete noradrenaline
Question 5: Bile salts
T Are synthesised from cholesterol
F Contain bilirubin
F Increase the surface tension in fat particles in the small intestine
T Form micelles with lipids in the small intestine
Question 6: Gastric secretion
T Is stimulated by vagal stimulation
F Is inhibited by gastrin
T Is stimulated by histamine
F Is stimulated when the pH within the stomach is < 2.0
Question 7: With respect to the regulation of pancreatic secretion
F Secretin is secreted when the pH of duodenal contents is > 4.5
T Cholecystokinin is secreted by the mucosa of the small intestine
F Cholecystokinin stimulates bicarbonate secretion by the pancreas
F Gastrin inhibits pancreatic secretion
Question 8: Bile salts
T Play an important role in the absorption of vitamin A
F Play an important role in the absorption of folate
T Play an important role in the absorption of vitamin K
T Have an entero-hepatic circulation
True False
Question 9: The oxyntic cells of the stomach secrete
F Pepsin
T Intrinsic factor
F Gastrin
F Pepsinogen
Question 10: Cholecystokinin
F Is a glycoprotein
F Is secreted mainly by the terminal ileum
T Stimulates contraction of the gall bladder
F Relaxes the sphincter of Oddi
Question 11: With respect to the autonomic control of the gastrointestinal tract
T Parasympathetic stimulation causes increased motility
T Sympathetic post-ganglionic neurons secrete noradrenaline
F Sympathetic stimulation increases gut motility
T Sympathetic stimulation decreases secretory activity
Question 12: Bile
T Is secreted by hepatocytes
T Is concentrated by the gall bladder
T Is rich in cholesterol
F Is essential for protein digestion and absorption
Question 13: Gastric emptying
F Is stimulated by secretin
F Is stimulated by cholecystokinin
T Is inhibited by gastric inhibitory peptide
T Is inhibited by sympathetic stimulation
Question 14: Saliva
T Has a higher potassium cocentration than plasma
F Has a higher chloride concentration than plasma
T Secretion is stimulated by parasympathetic stimulation
T Contains mucus
Question 15: With respect to the autonomic control of the gastrointestinal tract
F Parasympsthetic pre-ganglionic fibres originate in the Meissner’s plexus
True False
T Parasympathetic post-ganglionic fibres originate in the myenteric plexus
T Parasympathetic post-ganglionic fibres secrete acetylcholine
T Parasympathetic stimulation causes increased secretion

Acid-base & renal function MCQ Test
Question 1: Angiotensin II
F Is a decapeptide
T Is produced from angiotensin I in the lungs
T Is a vasoconstrictor
T Stimulates aldosterone secretion
Question 2: The following are recognised causes of metabolic acidosis with increased anion gap
T Diabetic ketoacidosis
T Starvation
F Hyperparathyroidism
F Diarrhoea
Question 3: Metabolic acidosis
T Caused by severe diarrhoea is associated with a normal anion gap
T Caused by renal tubular acidosis is associated with a normal anion gap
T Caused by lactic acidosis is associated with an increase in the anion gap
F Caused by diabetic ketoacidosis is associated with a decrease in the anion
Question 4: The metabolism of the following amino acids results in the
production of acids
T Hystidine
F Aspartate
F Glutamate
F Alanine
Question 5: Respiratory alkalosis
T Occurs in hyperventilation
F Occurs in normal pregnancy
T May occur in type I respiratory failure
F May occur in type II respiratory failure
Question 6: A 20 year old woman has the following arterial blood results: pH= 7.49, PCO2 = 47mmHg, [HCO3-] = 35mM, Oxygen saturation = 98% on air.Her plasma potassium concentration is 2.5mM
F There is a respiratory alkalosis
T There is a metabolic alkalosis
F Her urine is likely to be alkaline
F Pulmonary embolism is a likely diagnosis
Question 7: With respect to the renal regulation of acid-base balance
F Ammonium ions are mainly produced in the loop of Henle
T Glutamine metabolism by the kidneys results in bicarbonate production
T Ammonia production by the kidneys is increased in acidosis
T Secreted hydrogen ions are buffered by the phosphate buffer system in
tubular fluid
Question 8: Arterial blood gas analysis from a 20 year old woman shows: pH= 7.36; PCO2 = 32mmHg, [HCO3-] = 17mM, Oxygen saturation = 99% on air
F Pulmonary embolism is a likely diagnosis
F She is acidotic
T Aspirin overdose is a possible diagnosis
F The anion gap is likely to be decreased
Question 9: With respect to the bicarbonate buffer system
T Within extracellular fluid is made up of carbonic acid and sodium
T Within intracellular fluid is made up of carbonic acid and potassium
T The majority of carbonic acid exists as dissolved carbon dioxide
F The pH is proportional to the log of the bicarbonate ion concentration
Question 10: With respect to renal function
T Urea clearance is proportional to urinary flow rate
F Urea clearance is proportional to plasma urea concentration
F Urea clearance is inversely proportional to urinary urea concentration
F Glomerular filtration rate can be determined using creatinine as a marker
Question 11: The following are recognised causes of metabolic alkalosis
T Vomiting
F Starvation
T Diuretic therapy
F Hyperparathyroidism
Question 12: With respect to acid – base status
F The pH is calculated from (log of hydrogen ion concentration)
True False
F The pH of arterial blood is 7.35
F The pH of venous blood is 7.4
T pH of interstitial fluid is 7.35
Question 13: Respiratory acidosis
F Occurs in type I respiratory failure
F If chronic, is associated with a fall in plasma bicarbonate concentration
T Occurs in chronic bronchitis
F Is associated with a high arterial PO2
Question 14: The following are recognised causes of metabolic acidosis with a normal anion gap
F Salicylate poisoning
F Starvation
T Diarrhoea
T Pancreatic fistulae
Question 15: A 34 year old woman has the following arterial blood gas
results: pH = 7.34, [HCO3-] = 17mM, PCO2 = 30mmHg
F Pulmonary embolism is a likely diagnosis
F She has a respiratory acidosis
T She has a metabolic acidosis
T There is a respiratory compensation to a metabolic acidosis

Adaptation to pregnancy MCQ

Question 1: The following changes occur in the cardiovascular system
during pregnancy and lactation
T 40% increase in cardiac output by 12 weeks gestation
F Decreased cardiac output in the third trimester
F Decreased cardiac output during labour
F Increased cardiac output in association with breastfeeding
Question 2: Pregnancy is associated with
F Increased uric acid reabsorption from the renal tubules
F Increased plasma uric acid concentration
T Increased glucose filtration into glomerular fluid
F Decreased urinary amino acid excretion
Question 3: Normal pregnancy is associated with
T A rise in factor VIII concentration in haemophilia carriers
T A rise in von Willebrand factor concentration in women with von Willebrand
F Increased anti-thrombin III concentrations
F Decreased protein C concentration
Question 4: Normal pregnancy is associated with
F Decreased fibrinogen concentration
T Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate
T Increased factor VIII concentrations
F Decreased von Willebrand factor
Question 5: During pregnancy
T Minute ventilation is increased
F Tidal volume is decreased
F Respiratory rate is decreased
T There is a fall in arterial PCO2
Question 6: The following changes occur in the fetal circulation at birth
T Closure of the foramen ovale
F Increased resistance in the pulmonary arteries
F Decreased blood flow into the pulmonary arteries
F Decreased pressure in the left atrium
Question 7: Normal pregnancy is associated with
T Decreased protein S concentration
F Increased fibrinolysis
T Increased plasminogen activator inhibitor concentration
F A fall in the concentration of fibrin degradation products
Question 8: With respect to the rennin-angiotensin pathway in pregnancy
T Plasma renin concentration is increased in pregnancy
T Plasma renin activity is increased in pregnancy
F Plasma angiotensinogen concentration falls during pregnancy
F Rennin readily crosses the placenta
Question 9: During pregnancy
F Arterial PO2 is increased
F Residual volume is increased
F Physiological dead space is decreased
F Vital capacity is increased
Question 10: The following changes occur in the cardiovascular system
during pregnancy
T Increased heart rate by 20 weeks gestation
F Decreased stroke volume
F Increased pulmonary capillary pressure in the third trimester
T Decreased peripheral vascular resistance
Question 11: During pregnancy
F Expiratory reserve is increased
T The respiratory quotient is increased
T The sub-costal angle is increased
F Peak expiratory flow rate is decreased
Question 12: During pregnancy
T The forced expiratory volume in one second is unchanged
F Arterial bicarbonate concentration is increased
F There is a respiratory alkalosis
T There is a fall in arterial PCO2
Question 13: The following changes occur in the fetal circulation at birth
T Closure of the umbilical arteries
Closure of the umbilical vein
Closure of the ductus venosus
Closure of the ductus arteriosus

Question 14: Normal pregnancy is associated with
F A decrease in urinary erythropoietin excretion
T An increase in mean cell volume of erythrocytes
F An increase in platelet count
F A decrease in leucocyte count
Question 15: The following changes occur in the cardiovascular system
during pregnancy
T Increased myocardial contractility
F Increase in the arterio-venous oxygen difference
T Increased oxygen carrying capacity of blood
T Decreased haemoglobin concentration

Respiratory physiology MCQ

Question 1: With respect to inspired, expired and alveolar air
F Expired air contains 5% oxygen
T Alveolar air contains 5% CO2
F Alveolar air contains 30% oxygen
T Alveolar air contains 75% nitrogen
Question 2: The following factors affect the rate of gas diffusion through the
respiratory membrane
T Thickness of the respiratory membrane
T Surface area of the membrane
T Diffusion coefficient of the gas
T Partial pressure difference between the two sides of the membrane
Question 3: With respect to the binding of carbon monoxide to haemoglobin
F The binding site of carbon monoxide to Hb is different from that of oxygen
T Haemoglobin has a higher affinity for carbon monoxide than for oxygen
F 97% of carbon monoxide transported by blood is in solution in the water of plasma
T The carbon monoxide – Hb dissociation curve lies to the left of the oxygen
– Hb dissociation curve
Question 4: With respect to gas exchange across the alveolar membrane
F The partial pressure of oxygen in alveolar air is 104mmHg
T The partial pressure of oxygen in deoxygenated alveolar blood is 40mmHg
T The partial pressure of oxygenated blood leaving the alveoli is 104mmHg
F The partial pressure of oxygen in blood leaving the left ventricle is
Question 5: Surfactant
T Is a lipoprotein
F Is secreted by type I pneumocytes
FIncreases the surface tension of the alveolar fluid
T May be deficient in premature babies
Question 6: Carbon dioxide is transported in blood in the following forms
T In solution in the water of plasma
T As bicarbonate ion
F Combined to haemoglobin to form carboxy-haemoglobin
T Bound to plasma proteins
Question 7: During the release of carbon dioxide in the lungs
T The binding of oxygen to haemoglobin displaces carbon dioxide from blood
T The binding of oxygen to haemoglobin causes the release of hydrogen ions
T Hydrogen ions combine with bicarbonate to form carbonic acid
T Carbonic acid dissociated into carbon dioxide and water
Question 8: With respect to gas exchange across the alveolar membrane
F The oxygen saturation in venous blood is 40%
T On average, the haemoglobin in 100ml of blood can combine with 20ml of
F Acidosis causes the oxygen – Hb dissociation curve to shift to the left
T Increased CO2 concentration causes the oxygen – Hb dissociation curve to
shift to the right
Question 9: Minute respiratory volume
F Is about 60l/min
T Increases in pregnancy
T Is tidal volume X respiratory rate
T Is the total volume of new air moved into the respiratory tract each minute
Question 10: With respect to gas exchange across the alveolar membrane
F Oxygen diffusion across the alveolar membrane is more rapid than carbon
dioxide diffusion
F The intracellular partial pressure of CO2 is 100mmHg
T The partial pressure of CO2 in tissue fluid is 45mmHg
F The partial pressure of CO2 in venous blood leaving tissues is 40mmHg
Question 11: Carbonic anhydrase
F Is present in plasma
T Is present in erythrocytes
F Catalyses the reaction between carbon dioxide and haemoglobin
F Catalyses the decomposition of carbonic acid into bicarbonate and
hydrogen ions
Question 12: The following are recognised causes of bronchoconstriction
T Histamine
T Prostaglandins
F Vasopressin
F Noradrenaline
Question 13: With respect to gas exchange across the alveolar membrane|
F Pyrexia causes the oxygen – Hb dissociation curve to shift to the left
T An increase in the concentration of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate causes the
oxygen – Hb dissociation curve to shift to the right
True False
Hadidy's answer: No answer Correct answer: true
F FFFFF The oxygen – Hb dissociation curve of fetal Hb lies to the right of that of
adult Hb
FFFF Exercise shifts the oxygen – Hb dissociation curve to the left
Question 14: Peripheral chemoreceptors
F Are located in the carotid sinus
T Are located in the aortic body
T Are more sensitive to changes in PO2 than the central chemoreceptors
T Have a rich blood supply
Question 15: Vital capacity
F Is increased in the third trimester of pregnancy
T Is dependent on the compliance of the lungs and chest wall
T Is dependent on the strength of the respiratory muscle
F Is higher in obese individuals compared to tall thin individuals

جني اصلي
جني اصلي

عدد المساهمات : 600
نقاط : 1800
السٌّمعَة : 9
تاريخ التسجيل : 2010-02-24

بطاقة الشخصية
gini: 4


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Post by giga Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:48 am

مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووور جدا

عدد المساهمات : 10
نقاط : 24
السٌّمعَة : 11
تاريخ التسجيل : 2010-09-17

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Post by drhmada Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:09 am

thank u form gaza
جني نشط
جني نشط

عدد المساهمات : 48
نقاط : 51
السٌّمعَة : 8
تاريخ التسجيل : 2010-11-18

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Post by aml Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:41 am

السلام عليكم
ارجو الافادة باسماء الكتب الازم مذاكرتها للجزء الاول من الزمالة بناءا على الخبرة الشخصية لحضرتك حيث ان الكتب المذكورة فى الموقع كتيرة جدا ومش عارفة اختار منهم
وجزاك الله خيرا

عدد المساهمات : 15
نقاط : 18
السٌّمعَة : 8
تاريخ التسجيل : 2011-03-28

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Post by drvgeetha Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:46 pm

thank you so much

عدد المساهمات : 6
نقاط : 6
السٌّمعَة : 5
تاريخ التسجيل : 2011-06-23

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